Demand-Share Approach to Sustained Soleus Health

Steve explains and demonstrates his application of the 'Demand-Share' approach with respect to managing 'soleus health' by focussing on the relationship of muscle synergists and the application of a muscle classification model (Comerford & Mottram, 2019) Steve delivers a series of tests and uses the muscle classification model to deliver exercise interventions that bring about immediate change in movement control test performance.

Head of Research, Education, and Development, Lincoln Blandford, delivers a lecture providing insight on the principles that underpin the Demand-Share approach as explored within the publication, 'Can We Spread the Risk? A Demand-Share Approach to Sustained Hamstring Health (Blandford et al., 2018). Steve then explains his approach with questions posed by Lincoln. Course delegates gain 12 months access to this content once purchased.
  • Course delegate declaration: professional qualification and insurance statement
  • Introduction to the Module with Lincoln Blandford
  • Section 1: Theoretical background with Lincoln Blandford
  • Concepts underpinning the Soleus Demand Share Model
  • Section 2: Practical application with Steve Sparks
  • Testing for Pronation Loss of Movement Choice (LMC)
  • Testing Midfoot Pronation: Small Knee Bend Turnout Test
  • Retraining Midfoot Pronation
  • Targeting Plantar Flexors Synergists
  • Targeting Tibialis Posterior
  • Retesting Midfoot Pronation LMC 1
  • Retest 1 using Small Knee Bend Turnout
  • Loading Tibialis Posterior (Pilates Reformer Options)
  • Loading Tibialis Posterior 1
  • Loading Tibialis Posterior (Standing)
  • Retesting Midfoot Pronation LMC 2
  • Retest 2 with Small Knee Bend Turnout
  • Testing for dorsi flexion LMC Using Split Squat
  • Testing for Dorsi Flexion LMC
  • Testing Dorsi Flexion: Beware of Vertical Joint Stacking
  • Retraining Soleus
  • Targeting Soleus Using Unilateral Calf Raise
  • Retraining Inversion LMC
  • Testing For Lateral Rotation of the Shank LMC: Hop and Land
  • Testing for Lateral Rotation of the Shank LMC: Hop and Land
  • Retraining Popliteus
  • Targeting Popliteus
  • High Threshold Retraining for Shank Lateral Rotation
  • Further Insights on Application of Demand Share Model
  • Implications of Tibial Varum: Clinical Reasoning
  • Structure Versus Capacity
  • Movement Assessment Vesus Postural Assessment
  • Soleus: Changing Roles Under Changing Demands
  • Interpreting Knee Extension
  • High Threshold Perturbation: Hamstrings and Inversion Focus
  • More on Inversion Retraining
  • Tibialis Post and Fatigue in Team Sports
  • Superior Tibiofibular Joint Restriction
  • Steve's Final Thoughts
  • Final Thoughts
  • Section 13
  • Course Feedback Form
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed