This product represents the start of the journey for KCMTs wishing to progress on to becoming a KCAT. You can read more about this pathway here.
This pathway is designed for existing KCMTs who are looking to progress to become KCATS.
What's included?
As part of this process, we’ll interview you, provide you with access to advanced Kinetic Control content on our LMS and coach you in the skills to become a KCAT. We’ll also ask you to complete The Movement Solution 1 or our modular education pathway again to consolidate your knowledge. You’ll be able to take a fresh look at the course through the eyes of an instructor, seeing the material in a new light, and assist in delivering some training materials, giving you practical experience of teaching Kinetic Control.
eLearning Modules Included
An Introduction to Kinetic Control
Mark Comerford’s Movement Solution for Tendinopathy
Models to Manage Muscle Synergies
Sorting Out the Hip Flexors
Turning Back Rotatory Impairments of the Pelvis, Hip, and Knee
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