Demand-Share Approach to Sustained Hamstring Health

Steve Sparks has worked at the top level of English football (soccer) for over a decade.

Steve explains and demonstrates his application of the 'Demand-Share' approach with respect to managing 'hamstring health' by focussing on the relationship of muscle synergists and the application of a muscle classification model (Comerford & Mottram, 2019) Steve delivers a series of tests and uses the muscle classification model to deliver exercise interventions that bring about immediate change in movement control test performance.

Head of Research, Education, and Development, Lincoln Blandford, delivers a lecture supplying insight on the principles that underpin the Demand-Share approach as explored within the publication, 'Can We Spread the Risk? A Demand-Share Approach to Sustained Hamstring Health (Blandford et al., 2018). Steve then explains his approach with questions posed by Lincoln. Courses delegates gain 12 months access to this content once purchased.
  • Demand-Share Approach to Sustained Hamstring Health
  • Course delegate declaration: professional qualification and insurance statement
  • Introduction to the course
  • Introduction to the Course with Lincoln Blandford
  • Demand-Share Approach: Theoretical Background
  • Lincoln Blandford Lecture: Demand-Share Approach (Hamstrings)
  • Steve Sparks Practical Application of Demand Share Approach: Hamstrings
  • Testing Lumbar Extension Control
  • Testing lumbar extension
  • Lumbar Extension: Interventions
  • Targeting obliques: adding load facilitation
  • Targeting hip extension: focus on gluteals
  • Targeting adductors: integrating obliques abdominals and gluteals
  • Retesting Lumbar Extension Control (1)
  • Lumbar extension: retest of control
  • Lumbar Extension: Interventions (2)
  • Targeting adductors: focus on adductor lateral rotators
  • Retesting Lumbar Extension Control (2)
  • Lumbar extension retest of control (2) and summary of approach
  • Testing Lumbo-pelvic Rotation Control
  • Testing lumbo-pelvic rotation control
  • Lumbo-pelvic Rotation Interventions (1)
  • Lumbo-pelvic rotation and pelvic sideshift harnessing Lat Dorsi
  • Targeting obliques for lumbo-pelvic rotation and sideshift
  • Targeting gluteus medius for lumbo-pelvic rotation and sideshift
  • Restest of lumbo-pelvic rotation (1)
  • Retest of lumbo-pelvic rotation and sideshift (1)
  • Targeting gluteus medius for lumbo-pelvic rotation and sideshift (2)
  • Targeting gluteus medius for lumbo-pelvic rotation and sideshift (2)
  • Retesting lumbo-pelvic rotation and sideshift (2)
  • Retesting lumbo-pelvic rotation and sideshift (2)
  • Testing with Fast Feet Change
  • Testing with Fast Feet Change
  • Trunk sidebend Interventions
  • Targeting obliques for trunk sidebend
  • Targeting obliques and gluteus medius for trunk sidebend
  • Using hip flexion to target trunk sidebend control
  • Targeting gluteus medius for trunk sidebend (1)
  • Targeting glute medius for trunk sidebend (2)
  • Retesting Fast Feet Change
  • Retest Fast Feet Change
  • Questions to Steve Sparks
  • Lincoln Blandford asks Steve Sparks questions on his approach
  • Section 13
  • Course Feedback Form
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed