KC Online: Coordination Efficiency Low Back & Hip

Delivered by Mark Comerford, this course is specifically designed to help clinicians deliver targeted movement retraining to successfully manage each patient’s pain, pathology, and compromised function of the low back and hip. The module can be taken as standalone course or as part of the Kinetic Control Movement Therapist (KCMT) accreditation route. Totalling more than 8 hours of education, the course is split over 13 sessions, including an extensive exploration of the Kinetic Control framework, testing protocols, and retraining interventions. Checks on learning are included to support clinical application of the content. In addition to clinical insights from Mark, further sessions on the concepts and application of retraining principles have been added to further support the integration of the KC approach within the clinical setting.

Course delegates will gain the most from this course if they have already viewed the following sessions from the Kinetic Control Movement Therapist Foundation Module; 1-12, 14-15, 20, 22, 24. Course content is supplied for 12 months with options available for ongoing access.
  • Course delegate declaration: professional qualification and insurance statement
  • Course Navigation: Please watch first video before progressing
  • Lincoln Blandford outlines the course structure
  • Interview with Mark Comerford about the course
  • Complete Manual: Coordination Efficiency - Low Back & Hip
  • Coordination Efficiency: Low Back and Hip - Session Durations
  • Testing Summaries to Download
  • Section 1: Theory Session 1
  • Introduction and Theoretical Overview
  • Section 2: Theory Session 2
  • Introduction to Testing Approach: Page 1-9
  • Intro to Testing - Manual: Coordination Efficiency - Low Back & Hip
  • Section 3: Theory and Principles for Testing Flexion (Low Back)
  • Flexion Testing (Low Back) Manual: Coordination Efficiency - Low Back & Hip
  • Forward Flexion Observation into Standing Forward Lean (Test 1): Page 1-5
  • Section 4: Testing Flexion (Low Back)
  • Ischial Weight-Bearing- Standing to Sitting (Test 2): Page 6
  • Mark's insights for Tests 1 and 2
  • Sitting Bow Forward Lean (Test 3): Page 7
  • Sitting Thoracic Flexion (Test 4): Page 8
  • Bilateral Knee Extension - Sitting (Test 5): Page 10
  • Backward Push – 4-Point Kneeling (Test 6): Page 11
  • Double Bent Leg Lift (Bilateral) – Crook Lying (Test 7): Page 12
  • Section 5: Theory and Principles for Testing Extension (Low Back)
  • Intro to Extension Testing
  • Pre-req for Lumbar Extension Testing: Page 3
  • Pre-req for Lumbar Extension Testing: Page 6
  • Extension Testing (Low Back) Manual: Coordination Efficiency - Low Back & Hip
  • Section 6: Testing Extension (Low Back)
  • Thoracic Extension (Sway and Tilt) - Standing (Test 1 and 3): Page 7 and 10
  • Sitting Thoracic Extension (Tilt)- (Test 2): Page 8
  • Double Knee Bend (Knee Flexion with Hip Extension) - Prone (Test 4): Page 11
  • Hip Extension with Knee Extended – Prone at Table (Test 5): Page 13
  • Hip Extension with Knee Extended - Standing (Test 6): Page 15
  • Forward Lean – Sitting (Test 7): Page 16
  • Supine Double Leg Lower (Bent Knees) – Crook Lying (Test 8): Page 17
  • Cueing the Internal (IO) and External Obliques: also see Page 18-19
  • Lumbar Extension Testing Summary
  • Section 7: Theory and Principles for Testing Rotation (Low Back)
  • Introduction to Rotation Testing (Low Back)
  • Observation of Rotation Before Rotation Tests: Page 3-4
  • Rotation Testing (Low Back) Manual: Coordination Efficiency - Low Back & Hip
  • Section 8: Rotation Open Kinetic Chain Testing (Low Back)
  • Single Heel Slide – Crook Lying (Test 1): Page 5
  • Bent Knee Fall Out_Crook Lying (Test 2): Page 7
  • Top Leg Turn Out – Side Lying (Test 3): Page 9
  • Single (& Double) Leg Hip Rotation - Prone (Test 4): Page 10
  • Single Knee Flexion with Hip Extension - Prone (Test 5): Page 11
  • Hip Extension with Knee Extended - Prone (Test 6): Page 12
  • Unilateral Knee Extension - Sitting (Test 7): Page 14
  • Section 9: Rotation Closed Kinetic Chain Testing (Low Back)
  • Single Leg Bridge Extension – Crook Lying (Test 8): Page 15
  • Small Knee Bend: Double Knee Swing - Standing (Test 9): Page 17
  • Thoracic Rotation – Standing (Test 10): Page 19
  • Trunk Side-Bend - Standing (Test 11): Page 21
  • Pelvic Side-Shift – Standing (Test 12): Page 24
  • Scoliosis and the Side Shift Test; Mark's insights
  • Section 10: Intro to Hip Testing
  • Introduction to Hip Testing: Page 7-10
  • Observation of Hip Motion: Page 2-6
  • Hip Testing - Manual: Coordination Efficiency - Low Back & Hip
  • Section 11: Hip Tests
  • One Leg-SKB Lift and Lower- Standing (Test 1 & 3): Page 11 and 14-15
  • One Leg SKB and Trunk Rotation – Standing (Test 2): Page 12
  • Single Leg - Spinal Roll Down – Standing (Test 4): Page 16
  • Hip Flexion and Back Arch – Standing (Test 5): Page 18
  • Thoraco-Lumbar Extension (Pelvic Sway Control) 1 -Leg Stance (Test 6): Page 19
  • Hip Testing Summary
  • Section 12: Retraining Collection
  • Retraining - Prioritising Manual: Coordination Efficiency - Low Back & Hip
  • Retraining: from KCMT Foundation Module (Session 25)
  • Retraining: from KCMT Foundation Module (Session 25) - PDF
  • Retraining: from TPM Education (Session 12)
  • Retraining: from TPM Education (Session 12) - PDF
  • Overview of Kinetic Control Testing and Retraining Catalogue
  • Section 13: More Insights from Mark
  • Exploring Psoas and Pectineus
  • Pain During Testing
  • Questions on Piriformis and 'the Clam exercise'
  • 'The Clam' with Reference to Pilates
  • Finger Support and Single Leg Tests
  • Mark's Perspective on the Evidence
  • Oblique Abdominals: Anatomy and Retraining Highlights
  • Section 14: Learning Checks
  • Test Your Understanding
  • Section 15: Feedback
  • Course Feedback Form
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year